The MISSION of this project is to create a Research Network and build a platform that contains and provides unique open-access resources and innovative tools, devoted to accelerating the generation of knowledge for fast translation and implementation into new population-based early cancer detection and prevention programs focused on MBL with CLL, other leukaemia or lymphoma phenotype.
Activities that are undertaken by the new ECRIN-M3 Network integrate and synergise efforts of several leading institutions in Europe on MBL.
Castilla y León Informativos – RNE | RTVE Audio
Noticias de Castilla y León – Programa informativo en RTVE Play
20231024_PDF PREMIOS_INNOVADORES_2023_El Mundo.pdf
El creador del Ioba, José Carlos Pastor, Premio Innovadores 2023 de El Mundo de Castilla y León
Castilla y León Informativos – RNE | RTVE Audio Noticias de Castilla y León – Programa informativo en RTVE Play 20231024_PDF PREMIOS_INNOVADORES_2023_El Mundo.pdf El creador del Ioba, José Carlos Pastor, Premio Innovadores 2023 de El Mundo de Castilla y León
Centro de Investigación del Cáncer
Campus Miguel de Unamuno
37007 Salamanca (España)