
Their aim is to deliver world class outcomes in their specialist services, providing leading edge innovation in diagnosis, treatment and care. Their strong partnership with the University of Leeds and wider partnerships with academia, commissioners and other specialist centres all contribute to this aim.

An important enabler of outstanding care is being financially sustainable, and so their objective is to become the most efficient teaching hospital in England, delivering a sustainable financial surplus so that they can continue to invest in their people, buildings and equipment.

They will always be:

      • Patient-centred (they consistently deliver high quality, safe care, work around the patient and their careers and focus on meeting their individual needs. They act with compassion, sensitivity and kindness towards patients, carers and relatives.
      • Fair (they treat patients how they would wish to be treated, they strive to maintain the dignity and respect of each patient, being particularly attentive to the needs of vulnerable groups)
      • Collaborative (they are all one team with a common purpose, they include all relevant patients and staff in our discussions and decisions and work in partnership with patients, their families and other providers so they feel in control of their health and care needs)
      • Accountable (they act with integrity and are always true to their word, honest with patients, colleagues and their communities at all times. They disclose results and accept responsibility for their actions)
      • Empowered (they empower colleagues and patients to make decisions, expect colleagues to help build and maintain staff satisfaction and morale and they celebrate staff who innovate and go the extra mile for their patients and colleagues)

Team Leaders involved:

Professor Andy Rawstron